CityWatch Editor MONROVIA - An alleged speeding driver ended January with a bang, reportedly crashing into a Monrovia police squad car during a winding chase through city streets. Officers attempted to stop the alleged speeding driver, who was behind a stolen vehicle, around 11:52 p.m. January 31. Officers learned the vehicle had just been stolen from a home, according to the Monrovia Police Department. The chase snaked through northern Monrovia. “The suspect drove recklessly, colliding with a parked vehicle and continuing to flee. The suspect swerved toward officers and later accelerated head-on into a marked patrol vehicle with an officer inside, causing non-life-threatening injuries,” according to the Monrovia Police Department in a written statement. Family members of the suspect reportedly physically approached him as he slowly drove by their residence in Monrovia and attempted to convince him to surrender, but he refused, according to Monrovia Police radio traffic. At times, the suspect drove in opposing lanes, southbound in northbound lanes of Myrtle Avenue, and sometimes driving in a serpentine motion. Sierra Madre Police assisted with successfully flattening the suspect vehicle tires. Monrovia officers were able to use their squad cars to box the suspect in, preventing him from driving any further at North Myrtle Avenue and West Hillcrest Boulevard, according to Monrovia Police radio traffic. “The suspect continued fleeing until officers successfully disabled the vehicle. The suspect was taken into custody without further incident,” according to Monrovia Police in a written statement. |
January 2024