Written by AARON CASTREJON CityWatch Editor ALTADENA - A hiker enjoying the still-closed trails above Altadena Sunday escaped serious injury when a mother bear stood her ground to protect her cubs Sunday. The hiker was coming back down from a hike when he came face to face with the bear and her two cubs on the Lower Sam Merrill Trail. The mother bear stood on her hands legs and took a swipe at the hiker, according to the Altadena Mountain Rescue Team. The hiker received several scrapes from the bear to his upper right arm. The hiker locates the Altadena Mountain Rescue Team members who were training at Cobb Estate. He was treated for his superficial wounds and reminded of the trail closures. “Because of the fire, animals are more active than usual in areas frequented by humans. You shouldn't be on the trails, but if you ignore the closure, which you shouldn’t do, watch out for wildlife. Their home has been ravaged by the fire and many are looking for food, water and shelter,” according to the Altadena Mountain Rescue Team in a written statement.
The Altadena Mountain Rescue Team is composed of reserve deputies with the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department. Stationed out of the Altadena Sheriff’s Station, rescuers are available for calls on a 24/7 basis. The Altadena Mountain Rescue Team is one of eight teams countywide composed of 120 total members. Written by AARON CASTREJON CityWatch Editor ALTADENA - Two men from Huntington Park were led off the mountainside above Altadena after straying far off a hiking trail. The Altadena Mountain Rescue Team were dispatched to the Mt. Lowe Motorway just before 8 p.m. January 12. The hikers, both 20 and 22 years old, were able to use a cell phone to communicate with rescuers, according to the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department.
The hikers were finally found -- 1000 feet from the road and 600 feet over the side of the mountain. Neither of the hikers were equipped with hiking gear or flashlights, deputies said.
Rescuers used several hundred feet of rope to assist the men who then walked out on their own. Rescuers finally left the mountain by 2:30 a.m. No one was injured. |
January 2024